Dromedary Camel

The dromedary camel, also known as the Arabian camel, is a one-humped, desert-dwelling mammal. They are native to Africa and the Middle East as well as Australia, where they are considered “feral” animals. These camels are nicknamed “ships of the … Continued

Gopher Snake

The gopher snake is a nonvenomous constrictor native to North America. The gopher snake is one of the most widespread snakes in North America. Its range extends from the Atlantic to Pacific Oceans, as far north as southern Canada, and as … Continued

Spotted Hyena

Found in Africa, spotted hyenas are a part of the Hyaenidae family along with striped hyenas, brown hyenas, and aarwolf. Spotted hyenas are actually more related to cats than dogs! Social hierarchy is very important to this species. They live … Continued

Mountain Lion

This cat species has more names than any other animal in the world! Aside from mountain lion, they are commonly referred to as cougars, pumas, panthers and catamounts. Originally, mountain lions were found throughout North and South America in forests, swamps, … Continued

Fennec Fox

These little foxes are cute and full of charm, making them a fan favorite! Native to the Sahara Desert, this fox species is the smallest of the canine family, only growing to about 12 inches and weighing just over 3 pounds. … Continued

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