Green Anaconda
Weighing up to 550 pounds, the green anaconda holds the record for the heaviest snake in the world. They can reach over 20 feet in length and measure over a foot in girth! The green anaconda is native to South … Continued
Weighing up to 550 pounds, the green anaconda holds the record for the heaviest snake in the world. They can reach over 20 feet in length and measure over a foot in girth! The green anaconda is native to South … Continued
Reticulated pythons are known for being the longest snake in the world! Their color pattern is made up of a complex network of diamond-shaped patterns. In fact, “reticulate” literally means “network.” This nonvenomous species is native to the rainforests of … Continued
The king cobra is one of the most iconic venomous snakes on the planet. They can reach up to 18 feet in length, making them the longest of all venomous snakes. King cobras are even able to stand up and … Continued
The toco toucan, also known as the common toucan or giant toucan, is the largest and probably the best known species in the toucan family. They are found in semi-open habitats throughout a large part of central and eastern South America. Their bright colors provide good … Continued
Asian small clawed otters are native to several countries throughout Asia, including areas of India, Indonesian islands, Malaysia, Southeast Asia, Taiwan, Southern China, and Palawan in the Philippines. These social animals are the smallest of the 13 otter species and … Continued