Jarrod feeding a crocodilian during our weekly summer Croc Shows.

Here at Animal World & Snake Farm Zoo, we proudly offer 15 unique animal shows that highlight just how special our wonderful animals truly are. From our epic summer Croc Shows to our riveting White Lion Safari show, our incredible show lineup makes it easy to lose track of time during a visit to the Zoo! Throughout this blog, we will be focusing on our five most popular keeper talks. Keep reading to learn more about our incredible animal residents and what to expect during some of our most popular shows!

Reserve your tickets now to make memories with our amazing animals and staff!

Get in Touch With Your Wild Side During Our Spectacular Reptile Shows!

It should come as no surprise that one of our most popular animal shows of the summer is our exclusive Croc Show! Since we only offer this show during our summer season, we highly encourage local reptile lovers to make the trek to New Braunfels to see this incredible animal show for yourself. Every Sunday at 3 o’croc, you can watch as our Deputy Director, Jarrod Forthman, HAND FEEDS giant crocodilians! Admire today’s living dinosaurs as they snap their powerful jaws together to swallow raw chickens whole. To make this show even better, a handful of reptile loving kiddos can volunteer to join our epic Croc Squad.

This show is a highlight of each Snake Farm Summer and an event you don’t want to miss!

Jarrod feeding one of our crocodilians during our weekly summer Croc Shows.

Jarrod feeding one of our crocodilians during our weekly summer Croc Shows.

The next animal show we’ll be talking about is perfect for reptile lovers who want a more laid-back feeding experience, and is none other than our Interactive Tortoise Feeding show! During this show, you can help hand-feed our sulcata tortoises. Watch in awe as these gentle giants delicately nibble on leafy greens and yummy tortoise treats like lettuce and strawberries. 

Cassidy, one of our keepers, sharing a snack with a sulcata tortoise housed at the Zoo.

A close-up shot of one of our sulcata tortoises.

While these two shows are our most popular reptile shows, we offer plenty of other incredible ones here at the Snake Farm! Visit our website to check out our complete summer show schedule. Remember, our shows change seasonally, so always be on the lookout for new educational experiences! 

Watch Majestic Mammals on Their Best Behaviors During Our Bison Brunch Show & Carnivore Feeding Show

Now that we’ve discussed some top contenders for the next time you’re looking for amazing reptile shows near me, it’s time to pivot on to some fan favorite animal shows that showcase our incredible mammals. The first mammal encounter we get to talk about is our early afternoon Bison Brunch show! During this interactive show, we encourage you to hand feed Penny and Yellowstone, two of our gorgeous bison, some of their favorite treats. We also encourage you to take photos of these moments, which are sure to become lifelong memories. Here are a few pictures from some of our past Bison Brunch shows to give you some selfie ideas!

A zoo guest feeding one of our bison during our Bison Brunch show.

An interactive bison feeding show.

The next mammal show we’ll be talking about is none other than our Carnivore Feeding show! This show encourages attendees to watch up close as our talented keepers feed large carnivores some of their favorite snacks. Since this show features all kinds of carnivores, from hyenas to wolves and even our mountain lions, it is one of our most popular animal shows for kids! And that’s not all; as our Mammal Keepers feed these incredible animals hunks of raw meat and other yummy carnivore treats, you’ll get to learn all kinds of unbelievable facts about them. If you love reptile shows like our epic Croc Show and need a different animal feeding show to look forward to once Croc Show season is over, we highly recommend our equally thrilling Carnivore Feeding show!

Sniffs and Songa, our hilarious spotted hyena brothers.

One of the mountain lions housed at the Zoo.

Chill With Our Too Cute Otters During Our Otterly Awesome Show! 

Now that you’ve learned all about some thrilling reptile shows near me and our carnivore and bison animal feeding shows, it’s time for us to tell you all about one of the most adorable shows we offer here at the Snake Farm: our Otterly Awesome show! Since we house plenty of cute otters at Animal World & Snake Farm Zoo, we relish the opportunity to show off these cuties whenever we can. When you attend this adorable show, you can watch as our keepers feed these otters some of their favorite fishy treats. You should also expect to learn all kinds of cute facts about them! For instance, did you know that our zoo solely houses the Asian small-clawed otter? These otters are the smallest otter species native to the Asian continent, and live in large family groups of up to 20 individuals! 

A photo taken during one of our Otterly Awesome shows.

Two adorable Asian small-clawed otters.

Before we say goodbye for now, we would like to encourage you to check out some of the amazing animal shows we didn’t have time to discuss in this blog! While shows like our Bison Brunch and Otterly Awesome shows are some undeniable fan favorites, we offer plenty of other fun-filled shows here at the Snake Farm. From our impressive array of snake shows like our Tales of the Scales and Myths & Misconceptions shows to our adorable Little Safari show, our zoo offers interactive shows for all kinds of animal lovers! 

Slither By One of the Best Zoos in Texas For Our Incredible Animal Show Lineup!

Whether you can’t wait to watch Jarrod feed our giant crocodilians up close and personal or have a soft spot in your heart for national symbols like the North American bison, Animal World & Snake Farm Zoo is sure to have the perfect animal show for you! Since we are lucky enough to be considered one of the best zoos in Texas by locals and tourists alike, we pounce at the opportunity to showcase our incredible animals. We hope to see you at our interactive keeper talks in the near future, and can’t wait to share just how incredible our animals are with animal-loving guests like you!

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